The Thameslink Programme
This development facilitated cross-London journeys. Work included platform lengthening, station remodelling, new railway infrastructure, and additional rolling stock.
Client: Balfour Beatty Rail
Discipline: Civil Engineering
The Thameslink Programme, originally Thameslink 2000, was a £6 billion project in south-east England to upgrade and expand the Thameslink rail network to provide new and longer trains between a wider range of stations to the north and to the south of London. The development facilitated cross-London journeys by removing the need to change trains in London. Work includes platform lengthening, station remodelling, new railway infrastructure, and additional rolling stock. FJD Consulting, working on behalf of Balfour Beatty Rail have provided civils designs for the following infrastructure:
• Signal structures – gantries, standard and folding posts, ground signals, canopy mounted, SPTs;
• Relocatable Equipment buildings (REBs);
• Location cabinets;
• Cable routes – telecoms, signalling and HV – trackside, elevated, suspended, cable bridges, UTX & URXs;
• Access stairs, walkways and RRAPS;
• DNOs, Transformers, ASPs and PSPs;
• Signage;
• Points heating, point handle cases, pump units, track lubricators;
• Control Track switches (CTS), Track Isolation Switches (TIS);
• Retaining walls;
• Embankments;
• Signage;
FJD Consulting enabled cost and time savings to be realised by producing generic designs for many of the asset types to eliminate repetitive designs.
All designs have been undertaken within a BIM level 2 environment using the latest Bentley Aecosim (Microstation) 3D modelling software and shared cloud based document management systems such as Projectwise and eB.
In addition to that, we provided additional digital engineering services including:
• Digitisation of utility and rail service records;
• Production and co-ordination of 3D master/federated co-ordination models and drawings;
• Secondment of staff to undertake design management duties on behalf of the client.
Project Gallery